viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012

Leandro Sanchez

Atoms + Light series

Elements series

Orbis series

The offerings of light series

Artist Bio
The photographic eye of Leandro Sanchez has been influenced greatly by his diverse upbringing on three continents, which helped formulate his unique outlook on life as witness to 3 world cultures as well their as rich natural landscapes. Background: Leandro was born in Venezuela at the entry of the 1970′s.
The grandson of a known Venezuelan political figure of the 1950′s and 1960′s who fought against the dictatorship and established democracy in the country, Leandro’s mother’s family was extradited to Cuba and then the USA/NYC as a child until her family was allowed to return to Venezuela after the dictatorship toppled. There she met Leandro’s father, a chemical engineer, whose roots include a proud association to his indigenous Guajiro Indian heritage.



